Lap Harps

A harp played well is truly something of melodic beauty. If you are looking to treat yourself to a new harp for yourself or as a gift for someone else, then it won’t take long to realise upon visiting my website, that I can help. From my workshop, I handcraft a range of stunning musical instruments, taking my inspiration from the historical age which includes the classic Irish lap harps through to lutes and guitars.

The lap harps I create are made completely bespoke, right from chopping and selecting the wood to use, through to building and stringing the instrument. I will be able to work with you if you have particular ideals of how you want your harp to look, to create something truly unique for you. If you are also interested in learning more about the history of the early Irish harp, then you should consider my 60-page illustrated book which is currently available for £20.00 + P&P.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me (George) on 01797 320 152 if you would like to discuss your requirements for a lap harp in more detail. You can also email any queries to

George Stevens