Lutes Maker

It’s certainly true to say that we are in uncertain times at the moment. With the terrible spread of COVID-19, we are all having to make sure that we do what we can to protect ourselves and everyone around us. I have taken all necessary steps required to ensure I (and my customers) remain safe but business can also continue. Therefore, if you are considering purchasing a stunning handcrafted lute or a different type of instrument, then I can still certainly help you.

What turns an instrument into a truly stunning piece is the eye for detail. From handcrafted pegs through to intricate design detail on the body of the lute. The process is never rushed to ensure that every instrument gets the attention it (and my customers) deserve. I will take the time from the outset to find out exactly what you are looking for, then every instrument design has twists of my own artistic flair included. As a lutes maker, I take pride in every piece which is created and leaves the workshop and I hope this shows from the images you can view throughout the website.

For more information about how I can create the beautifully presented lute you want, please get in touch by calling 01797 320 152. I (George) look forward to speaking with you soon and please stay safe.

George Stevens